Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

Research: Hydroclimacentrism - The Exacerbation of Water Related Issues by Climate Change

Research undertaken for photo essay (to follow):


Scarr, Simon, Weiyi Cai, Vinod Kumar, and Alasdair Pal. The Race to Save the River Ganges. Reuters Graphics, 2019, https://www.reuters.com/graphics/INDIA-RIVER/010081TW39P/index.html.

United Nations. Water - at the center of the climate crisis. United Nations, n.d.p, https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/science/climate-issues/water#:~:text=About%20two%20billion%20people%20worldwide,and%20population%20growth%20(WMO).

Water Aid Australia. WaterAid Releases List of Water-Scarce Regions. WaterAid, 2018, https://www.wateraid.org/au/articles/wateraid-releases-list-of-water-scarce-regions.

Water Quality Australia. Issues affecting water quality. Australian Government Initiative, n.d.p, https://www.waterquality.gov.au/issues.

World Health Organisation. Floods. WHO, n.d.p, https://www.who.int/health-topics/floods#tab=tab_1.

World Wildlife Fund Inc. Water Scarcity. WWF, n.d.p, https://www.worldwildlife.org/threats/water-scarcity.

Journal Articles

Dilip, Kumar. "River Ganges - Historical, Cultural and Socioeconomic Attributes." Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, vol. 20, no. 1-2, 2017, pp. 8-20.


Bharati, Luna, B.R. Sharma, and Vladimir Smakhtin, editors. The Ganges River Basin: Status and Challenges in Water, Environment and Livelihoods. Routledge, 2016.

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