Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

Notions of Plantscendence and the unbreakable cycle

Here, the interconnectedness of plantscendence and eco-entanglement explores the continuous travelling of ideas within the physical example of the living book. The seed travels through the various notes and links created forming a web of ideas and explorations. Underlining notions of plantscendence with the movement and unknown trajectory of the adventurous spores is represented through the idea of the seed weaving through and 'eco-tangoing' with the various soil and environment in order to arrive at a new suitable destination for its wellbeing. This active state refers to plants and their capability in escaping through the environment as a part of their art form. Moreover, the paradox of plantscendence and idea of "holding still" alludes to mycorrhizal network of trees; the function of underground fungus in the roots controlling the intake of nutrients and becoming the linkage to the surrounding trees. Thus, the movement of the tree is below the surface level of the soil and also non-visible/ non-green to the human eye. The interpretation of eco-entanglement can be understood as a large overarching large umbrella term for plantscedence.

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