Micro-Landscapes of the AnthropoceneMain MenuMarginal WorldsPlant WorldsAnimal WorldsAmy Huang, Natasha Stavreski and Rose RzepaWatery WorldsInsect WorldsBird-Atmosphere WorldsContributed by Gemma and MerahExtinctionsMarginal WorldsSam, Zach and AlexE-ConceptsAn emergent vocabulary of eco-concepts for the late AnthropoceneSigi Jöttkandt4115726eb75e75e43252a5cbfc72a780d0304d7d
Human/Pig Emybro
12018-08-29T00:45:23-07:00Sigi Jöttkandt4115726eb75e75e43252a5cbfc72a780d0304d7d309863Human / Pig Hybrid created at Salk Institute, pictured. The dramatic organ shortage of transplantation has paved way for the atypical construction of interspecies chimeras. The future endeavour of stem cell research has engineered that these chimeras will be a host to growing human organs which will be utilised for organ transplants. Human stem cells are injected into pig ‘hosts’ and the two develop together. Ethical concerns of creating cognizant, sophisticated chimeras have been raised as the prospect of human cells migrating through the host body is a real possibility. Using non-human animals as incubators for human organs largely raises critical concerns to the violation of human and non-human dignity and the natural order. Although human lives can be saved through this new technology, this may seem irrelevant as the cost outweighs the result.plain2018-08-29T14:14:45-07:00Sigi Jöttkandt4115726eb75e75e43252a5cbfc72a780d0304d7d
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1media/quimera-two-faced-kitty-main.jpg2018-08-29T14:11:25-07:00Animal Worlds: Photo essay15Exploring the world of the 'chimera'plain2018-10-30T01:29:15-07:00 "chimera"
an organism containing a mixture of genetically different tissues, formed by processes such as fusion of early embryos, grafting, or mutation.
from the Oxford English Dictionary.
A hybrid organism containing animal and non-animal cells becomes an unrecognisable beast living amongst the natural order. This new generation enables bio-medical research to advance investigations, and transform them into existence through the creation of chimeras.