Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

Intra-acting with water

Inspired by one of the images from the photo essay, I considered the intra-action that occurs whenever our skin comes into contact with water. The water, with no independent agency prior to our contact outside of the physical laws of nature and matter, is entirely changed by our presence, as are we it. It runs across us, is exposed to the elements, following even the most minute shapes, inconsistencies, elements, textures, and formations of our skin, bones, flesh, hair, body.

It is at mercy to our form. As are we.

It runs across us and down us and along us, and we are subject to its viscosity, sediment, temperature, and volume. From within our contact develops this relationship of complete submission for/from either element. Intra-action conceptualises the notion that we are not entirely separate from anything and even in our most basic and "objective" interaction, we are effecting change elsewhere. Whether in the form of discourse, finance, knowledge sharing, physical action etc, we cannot possibly suppose to be completely ineffective in a world where interaction is situated in relation to a superficial categorisation of all that we know.

Barad's Queer Performativity informed my understanding of the difference between individual objects separate from the human and "phenomena that extend across space and time" and it is through our understanding of intra-action that we may stand to appreciate our impact on our environment at every conceivable level - globally, locally, physically etc. I think in its most basic sense, intra-action is a "butterfly effect" realisation of the significance of action, agency, and relations of all kind.

This may also assist in the proliferation of an ecologically based way of thinking.

A Yoututbe video also greatly improved my understanding of the difference

Barad, K. (2011) Nature's Queer Performativity: Qui Parle. 19:2. University Press. https://www-jstor-org.wwwproxy1.library.unsw.edu.au/stable/pdf/10.5250/quiparle.19.2.0121.pdf?refreqid=excelsior%3A446db5c5667293dc5922ace9f293b802

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