2. (Noun) The assumption of the outlook of the individual amidst a crowd; the viewpoint of a discrete unit that exists within a collective. Eg the perspective of a bee in a hive.
'Insectostance' is a hybrid word, a conglomeration of ideas and morphemes. 'Insect' refers to the scientific grouping of small creatures whose perspective is of interest to the insectostance, but also to the less common definition of 'cut apart' or 'dissect'. In adopting the insectostance, one cuts apart (but does not discard) the collective and thus recovers the individual. The word 'stance' is added to contribute ideas about perspective. 'Stance' is a viewpoint but also a way of standing and, by extension, a way of being. The insectostance does not seek to remove the individual from the crowd; it merely wants to understand and benefit from the way they see the world.
* A note on the forgotten morpheme:
It is the sound that connects the ideas together, the sound that bridges the gap. 'o'. It even has the appearance of a gap. A hollow shape that demands pursed lips when it is spoken. It rarely stands on its own in English, and when it does it is furnished with the wistfulness of poetry or the emphatic affirmation of dialogue. Like the moth in Virginia Woolf's The Death of a Moth saying "O yes...", this 'o' represents a voice. The voice of the insect that is so easily overlooked.