Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

Comment on 'Flower Tuscany'

Plant blindness is a concept that has awaken my conscious and undoubtedly altered my perspectives and values on the function of plants within society. Prior to learning about the concept, I was indeed blind to plants, most evident as my only interactions with plans was purchasing them based on their aesthetic value, usually buying flowers for my room, flowers as Mother’s Day presents or buying a small succulent when having visitors over. However, after exploring this concept throughout the course, particularly engaging with ‘Flower Tuscany’, it has altered my value and appreciation of plants, encouraging me to stop overlooking the importance of plants. Lawrence’s ability to not only notice plants but raise awareness towards the co-existence between man and nature by giving human qualities to both parties equally, is quite inspiring in joining all voices together. Additionally, after engaging with this post, the power Lawrence holds to bring human and nature together through the role of all types of nature across Tuscany speaks to me profusely to engage further with plant awareness and reject the previous views I have held by only appreciating plans and nature based on their aesthetic qualities.

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