This comment was written by Anastasia Kim on 22 Oct 2022.

Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene

Clouds and Rivers

What is the difference between going as the cloud goes and running like the river runs? If the cloud is without a set path and without borders, does this make it margin-less? How do we know when our path is that of the cloud which could be described as aimless and maybe even willful because it is so without fate or destiny, rolling into itself? For when the river runs, it is so much more guided by the banks and the indentations of the earth around it, even by the very tectonic plates on which it sits. Can we take these two heavenly and earthly things and combine them. Can we mave of the cloud a river and of the river a cloud? When a person is left to that which he will, there is often a lack of movement. He must be submerged in a river or a world so vastly different he finds himself the fool. And as the fool he know he must progress to be a common fellow, lest he stand apart and society punish him. Then there is movement. There is movement and there is progress to be better, and it is all the more speedy if there is a guide. A mentor which the fool could follow to improve and keep him grounded in the new river-world. Yet, still, he must be curious, and energetic, and appreciative. He must bring energy and be will to acknowledge his lack of understanding and incompetence. So then the cloud becomes the river.

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