Micro-Landscapes of the Anthropocene


Curated Bibliography – A compilation of theoretical information useful to our research

Eva Claire & Ella Howe

Alimo, Stacy. “States of Suspension: Trans-Corporeality at Sea.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary
Studies in Literature and Environment, vol. 19, no. 3, 2012, pp. 476-493. Oxford Academic
Drangsholt, Janne S. “Homecomings: Poetic Reformulations of Dwelling in Jo Shapcott, Alice
Oswald, and Lavinia Greenlaw.” Nordic Journal of English Studies, vol. 15, no. 1, 2016, pp. 1-23.
Evans, Sally. “Unsettlement: Psychoecology and Absence in Mireille Juchau’s The World
Without Us.” Southerly, vol. 75, no. 2, 2015, pp. 260-264. Informit.
Neimanis, Astrida. “Feminist Subjectivity, Watered.” Feminist Review, vol. 103, no. 1, pp.
23-41. JSTOR.
Neimanis, Astrida. Bodies of Water. 2008. York University, PhD dissertation. ProQuest.
Dyer-Witheford, Nick. “Species-Being and the New Commonism: Notes on an Interrupted
Series of Struggles.” The Commoner, vol. 11, no. 1, 2006, pp. 15-32. Commoner

Amelia Loughland & Bridget Moyle

Alaimo, Stacey. “New Materialisms, Old Humanisms, or, Following the Submersible”.  Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, vol. 19, no. 4, 2011, pp. 280–284.

Fox-Skelly, Jasmin. There Are Diseases Hidden in Ice, and They Are Waking Up. http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20170504-there-are-diseases-hidden-in-ice-and-they-are-waking-up. Accessed 30 Aug. 2018.

Haas, Lynda. “Of Waters and Women: The Philosophy of Luce Iragaray”.  Hypatia, vol. 8, no. 4, Fall 1993, pp. 150–159.
Neimanis, Astrida. ‘Feminist Subjectivity, Watered’. Feminist Review, vol. 103, no. 1, Mar. 2013, pp. 23–41. Springer Link, doi:10.1057/fr.2012.25.

O’Grady, Aubyn. Swimming Lessons - Developing a Water Pedagogy to Examine the Entangled, Material, and Intra-Active Enmeshments Between Water, Bodies, and Knowledges. University of Toronto (Canada), 2018. ProQuest, http://search.proquest.com/docview/2026743856/abstract/B76C240D7B24C40PQ/1.

Prominski, Martin. “Andscapes: Concepts of Nature and Culture for Landscape Architecture in the “Anthropocene”’. Journal of Landscape Architecture, vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 2014, pp. 6–19. primoa.library.unsw.edu.au, doi:10.1080/18626033.2014.898819.

Zwarteveen, Margreet. “A Masculine Water World: The Politics of Gender and Identity in Irrigation Expert Thinking”. Out of the Mainstream. Water Rights, Politics and Identity, edited by Rutgerd Boelens, David Getches and Armando Guevara-Gil, Routledge, 2010, pp. 75–96.

Christa Jessica Tulong & Raymond May


Archer, Emily. “The wells are drying up: water & women in ghana.” Off Our Backs, vol. 35, no. 3, 2005, pp. 23-27

Bulajich, Borjana. (1992). “Women and water.” Waterlines, vol. 11, no. 2, 1992, pp. 2-4.

Hayman, Ruth Eleanor. “Shaped by the imagination myths of water, women, and purity.” RCC Perspectives, no. 2, 2012, pp. 23-34.

Krishnaraj, Maithreyi. “Women and water: issues of gender, caste, class and institutions.” Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 46, no. 18, 2011, pp. 37-39.

Kulkarni, Seema. “Women and decentralised water governance issues, challenges and the way forward.” Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 46, no. 18, 2011, pp. 64-72.

Merrick, Helen. "NATURECULTURES AND FEMINIST MATERIALISM". Routledge Handbook Of Gender And Environment, Sherilyn MacGregor, 1st ed., Routledge, 2017, pp. 101-112, https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781134601530. Accessed 14 Aug 2018.

Tunc, Tanfer Emin. "Rivers Of The Body: Fluidity As A Reproductive Metaphor In American Feminist (Post)Confessional Ecopoetry". Women's Studies, vol 42, no. 2, 2013, pp. 113-139. Informa UK Limited, doi:10.1080/00497878.2013.747378. Accessed 14 Aug 2018.

Sophie McGing & Caitlin Stibbard

Alaimo, S. (2012). States of suspension: Trans-corporeality at sea. ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment19(3), 476-493.
Donahue, T. J. (2010). Anthropocentrism and the argument from Gaia theory. Ethics & the environment15(2), 51-77.
Heidegger, M. (1954). The question concerning technology. Technology and values: Essential readings99, 113.
Kopnina, H., Washington, H., Taylor, B., & Piccolo, J. J. (2018). Anthropocentrism: More than just a misunderstood problem. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 1-19.
Moore, B. L. (2017). Ecological Literature and the Critique of Anthropocentrism. Springer.
Neimanis, A. (2013). Feminist subjectivity, watered. Feminist Review103(1), 23-41.
Rigby, K. (2004). Earth, world, text: On the (im) possibility of Ecopoiesis. New Literary History35(3), 427-442.



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