Melissa Chan IML 555 Portfolio

Rubric for Sample Assignment

Sample Rubric for Assignment

Your project will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

Conceptual Connections:  Your project should bring together some of our ideas in the course under an identifiable set of themes. You may find connections with the concept of media, medium specificity, representation, and rhetoric among others. Your connections and informational architecture must follow a logic that you have set out through your writing assignment and the way you have aggregated your media. Think about the following questions: Does your project engage with the concepts we have discussed in the course related to medium specificity, digital media, and/or hypertext? Do you demonstrate an understanding of these terms through the types of media you chose to include in your project? Did you choose media that reflected the messages you were trying to convey?

Technical Skills/ Arrangement: Be clear about where your media comes from and the implications of the platforms from which you draw. Were you able to capture your media and present it in a clear way? Were you able to use Scalar and contribute to the class book? Did you clearly format your work? Were you able to use paths, tags, and other ways to direct your reader? Did you include different types of media in the book?

Written Reflection: The written reflection should be clearly written and concise. Does the reflection address at least one of the questions included in the writing prompt? Does the writing examine the different layers of your media in a meaningful way? Is the reflection respectful of the word limit? Overall, is the reflection well-written and cohesive? 

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