Meg Pearson Portfolio

Meg's Example of An Online Collection

In art history, the woman's eye is often searched for, researched, and debated.  In a form of expression dominated by men - male expression, opinion, sexuality - the women of the world that explored art are treated as rare and strange.  Historians and researches try to understand what the women are trying to display and say about the world, themselves, and concepts.  In these cases, the women were very upfront about their artistic intentions.  These works display religious ideas, scholarly ideas, themselves, the female body, and depictions of history and mythology from a woman's point of view.  When trying to examine the works made by women and try to determine their intentions, it is far easier to examine them online through a collection such as this.  In one place, viewers can look as the piece, the history of the artist, the timeline of art in each period, and scholarly research on the piece and artists.  

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