Mediation and Contemporary Digital Media

Melinda, I really enjoyed watching your remix!

Your arguments mainly build on Baudrillard and Eco’s works (which both of them have discussed Disney and hyperreality), and I think you have taken their ideas a step further through focusing on the “Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln” in Walt Disney World's Hall of Presidents (e.g. from the making of the life mask, to the performance of “Mr. Lincoln”, to the audiences/visitors’ who watch its performance).

I like the structure of your remix that the quotes and footages are linked together (e.g. after watching your remix a few times, I feel like the quotes are not only for the specific clips after that, but also all other footages, which hold the whole remix together in my opinion. And this somehow reminds me of how I read Ways of Seeing). Also, the use of Battle Hymn of the Republic as both the beginning and the ending makes it complete, it's interesting how the same song feels so different and brings different emotions (e.g. The beginning feels positive and hopeful, while the ending feels somehow negative and tragic).

(Just a quick question though, are all words in lowercase on purpose?)

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