Mediation and Contemporary Digital Media

Example of commenting on image (Peer-review of Liz's image project: It’s a small world after all.)

Liz, I really like the combination of the NASA’s photo and the text “it’s a small world after all.”. Although the style of this image is not the “classic” red border and white texts, this wordplay and composition of text and image are definitely Kruger’s style, which she uses the pictures in mass media and adds another layer of meanings through arranging the texts. In fact, I really appreciate you did not adopt the classic style because I think it probably won’t match the feeling of silence in the space.

And you captured the ironies very well, through putting two things that we are familiar with (the NASA picture and Disney’s theme park ride), you created a new message in your image. This transforms the general understandings of both the image and text. The former often relates to space/environmental issues, and the latter originally connotes we should live peacefully together, and now there is a combo of two which amplifies the power in my opinion. It is also interesting how both elements are from the United States (NASA and Disney), I’m not sure whether this is intentional or not, but it seems it is kind of suggesting the U.S. is somehow responsible, or at least should take a greater effort to bring back the humanity? You also talked about it addresses the immigration issues (which I guess is in a more contemporary context?), though I think this message is quite subtle, which is kind of different from most of the Kruger’s work. But overall, I still really like this image!


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