- Neighbours] Neighbors
- Suprize] Surprise
- stripp’d] stripped
- jump’d] jumped
- duck’d] ducked
- duck’d] ducked
- surpiz’d] surprised
- plac’d] placed
- fill’d] filled
- Womens] Women’s
- help’d] helped
“The Way to Wealth”
- call’d] called
- reply’d] replied
- join’d] joined
- Neighbours] Neighbors
- Labour] Labor
- riseth] rise
- Honour] Honor
- encreaseth] increase
- Labour] Labor
- Labour] Labor
- every Body] everybody
- Alittle] A little
- Expences] Expenses
- straitning] straightening
- practised] practiced
- Conveniencies] Conveniences
- anhundred] a hundred
- Extravagancies] Extravagances
- practised] practiced
- dropt] dropped
- Topicks] Topics
- compar’d] compared
- occur’d] occurred
- Pensilvania] Pennsylvania
- deferr’d] deferred
- convinc’d] convinced
- oblig’d] obliged
- Counsellors] Counselors
- tho’] though
- finish’d] finished
- reckon’d’ reckoned
- Impatients] Impatient
- suffer’d] suffered
- explain’d] explained
- convinc’d] convinced
- Suedish] Swedish
- oblig’d] obliged
- kill’d] killed
- pleas’d] pleased
- touch’d] touched
- touch’d] touched
- Falshood] Falsehood
- reply’d] replied
- practise] practice
- believ’d] believed
- croud] crowd
- entring] entering
- anothers] another’s
- reckon’d] reckoned
- plac’d] placed
- arriv’d] arrived
- refresh’d] refreshed
- esteem’d] esteemed
- practic’d] practiced
- naturaliz’d] naturalized
- thro’] through
- call’d] called
- embrac’d] embraced
- boil’d] boiled
- mix’d] mixed
- refresh’d] refreshed
- ask’d] asked
- fard] fared
- occasion’d] occasioned
- answer’d] answered
- us’d] used
- inclin’d] inclined
- call’d] called
- ask’d] asked
- my self] myself
- to day] today
- look’d] looked
- imagin’d] imagined
- mention’d] mentioned
- thro’] through