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Mascot Moskovina

Harmony Bench, Author

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Letter Dec. 27, 1916 Standardized Text

This is the “standardized text” version of the Mascot Moskovina documents. This version is presented in an easily readable and searchable format. Punctuation is modernized and inserted where needed for clarity. Abbreviations are spelled out, insertions are incorporated, and crossouts and duplicate words are deleted. First words in sentences have been capitalized; other capitalization issues have not been edited. Moskovina’s spelling is routinely irregular and creative; where it is possible to discern her meaning, spelling has been standardized.

[postmark] NEW YORK, N.Y.
JAN 8 830 PM 1917

Mrs. Jas. G. Morton
2150 Lincoln Park W.
Chicago Ill

[p. 1]
5 W. 63rd Street
New York City
Dec. 27. 1916.

Dear Mrs. Morton
Very very many thanks for your dear letter and lovely present. I did love it. I gave “X” Nondas little gift, also my own but as yet I have not had any acknowledgement of either. I put the letter into her dressing room this morning. I am so sorry to hear that you had to work so hard. It is too bad. No there was no fear of Nondas offending “X” but it was foolish because “X” forgets the next minute and does not even remember from whom her presents came. The girls bought her two perfume bottle of crystal-enamel stoppers and a calendar holder to match. They were rewarded by Mme X. saying to one of the girls “Oh! I am so glad you were so sensible and did not buy me an expensive present.” And they had paid $25 for the three little articles besides nearly $5 in decorating the room. Another girl gave her a bunch of flowers, a few moments the maid went through with

[p. 2]
a big picture of X and the flowers on top, so we asked her where she was going to. She said to the Fairy Queen who plays “X” mother in the Sleeping Beauty and there went the girls gift. We are to go to Cuba soon and we finish at the Hippodrome on Jan. 20th. I will send you a letter to Oukrainsky and I do not think he will charge you anything perhaps, but of course I can not say for sure. I am sure Nondas must have been delighted with her lovely present. It is really a lovely present and as you say so cheering and jolly. I must really write her a note and let her know I am still thinking of her. Do not be angry with “X,” but that’s her way for she is so spoiled with everything and gets so many things that she forgets. Do not tell Nondas anything but I may hear from her again. The cap was first what I needed on tour and as I have some new pink pajamas it just matched. With Love & Kisses from

[p. 3]
**Sunday Jan 7th 1917
Dear Mrs. Morton
Again I add a few lines before I send this off. I have been too out of sorts to get the letter off before now. On Wednesday, I had a tooth pulled and underneath that is an abscess, which the doctor has been treating every day. On Friday, I was too ill to go to the performance at all and am still in great pain. And I am nearly sick at the thought because some of the tooth is still there and will have to be pulled tomorrow. I am in great pain already and do not like the idea. Baby sends her love and Mama too. Again, forgive me for my neglect but tomorrow I surely will see that I post this letter. Please give my love to Nondas and I hope all is well.
With Love and Kisses
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