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Mascot Moskovina

Harmony Bench, Author

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Letter Circa Jan. 1917 Standardized Text

This is the “standardized text” version of the Mascot Moskovina documents. This version is presented in an easily readable and searchable format. Punctuation is modernized and inserted where needed for clarity. Abbreviations are spelled out, insertions are incorporated, and crossouts and duplicate words are deleted. First words in sentences have been capitalized; other capitalization issues have not been edited. Moskovina’s spelling is routinely irregular and creative; where it is possible to discern her meaning, spelling has been standardized.

[p. 1]
5 W. 63rd Street
New York City

[no date]

Dear Mr. Oukrainsky
This is to introduce to you Mrs. Morton and her little daughter Nondas, who you may remember came to the classes whilst we were playing at the Midway Gardens with Mme Pavlova.

So Mme Pavlova suggested to me that you perhaps would be so kind as to allow Nondas to attend your classes if you are giving any. I hope you are well and happy. Please give my kind regards to Pavley, and ask him to send me the photo of his new costume which he made on the train that time

[p. 2]
as he promised it to me.
With Very Best Wishes
Mascot Moskovina.

We finished at the Hippodrome on Saturday and we are now rehearsing at Bryant Hall. And on February 4th we sail for Cuba.
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