Marcel Duchamp's Boîte-en-valise: The Museum of Metamorphosis

Further Reading

[introductory note on works consulted]
Ades, Dawn. "Marcel Duchamp's Portable Museum." In Marcel Duchamp's Travelling Box. London: Arts Council of Great Britain, 1982. 
Bachelard, Gaston. "La miniature." In La poétique de l'espace, 3rd ed. Paris: Les presses universitaires de France, 1961.
Bataille, Georges. "Musée." Documents 2, no. 5 (1930): 300.
Benjamin, Walter. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction." In Illuminations, edited by Hannah Arendt, translated by Harry Zohn. New York: Schocken Books, 1969.
Bonk, Ecke. Marcel Duchamp: The Box in a Valise: de ou par Marcel Duchamp ou Rrose Sélavy: Inventory of an Edition. Translated by David Britt. New York: Rizzoli, 1989.
––. "Marcel Duchamp." In The Museum as Muse: Artists Reflect, edited by Kynaston McShine, 50–55. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1999. 
Buchloh, Benjamin. "The Museum Fictions of Marcel Broodthaers." In Museums by Artists, edited by A. A. Bronson and Peggy Gale, 39–56. Toronto: Art Metropole, 1983.
Cabanne, Pierre. Entretiens avec Marcel Duchamp. Paris: Pierre Belfond, 1967.
Campbell, Brenna, Élodie Lévêque, and Erin Jue. "Marcel Duchamp's Boîtes-en-valise: Collaboration and Conservation." Studies in Conservation 57, no. sup1 (2012): S52–S60.
De Duve, Thierry, ed. The Definitively Unfinished Marcel Duchamp. Cambridge: MIT, 1991.
Demos, T. J. "Duchamp's Boîte-en-valise: Between Institutional Acculturation and Geopolitical Displacement." Grey Room, no. 8 (Summer 2002): 6–37.
Duchamp, Marcel. "The Creative Act." Lecture at the Museum of Modern Art, October 19, 1961.
Filipovic, Elena. The Apparently Marginal Activities of Marcel Duchamp. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016.

––. "A Museum That Is Not." e-flux, no. 4 (March 2009).
Hamilton, George Heard, Richard Hamilton, and Charles Mitchell. "Marcel Duchamp." In Speaking of Art: Four Decades of Art in Conversation, edited by William Furlong. London and New York: Phaidon, 2010.
Judovitz, Dalia. Unpacking Duchamp: Art in Transit. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.
Krauss, Rosalind. "1935." In Art Since 1900, 3rd ed., edited by Hal Foster, Rosalind Krauss, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, and David Joselit, 319–23. London: Thames and Hudson, 2016.
Lebel, Robert. "MUSÉE : Duchamp au musée." In Marcel Duchamp: Abécédaire: Approches critiques, 118–23. Paris: Musée national d'art moderne, Centre national d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou, 1977. 
Malraux, André. Le musée imaginaire. Les voix de silence 1. Paris: Gallimard, 1965.
Naumann, Francis M., and Achim Moeller. Marcel Duchamp: The Art of Making Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: An Exhibition Catalogue. New York: Achim Moeller Fine Art, 1999. 
Saint-Amour, Paul K. "Over Assemblage: Ulysses and the Boîte-en-valise from Above." European Joyce Studies 15 (2003): 21–58.
Tomkins, Calvin. Marcel Duchamp: The Afternoon Interviews. Brooklyn: Badlands, 2013.

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