Marcel Duchamp's Boîte-en-valise: The Museum of Metamorphosis

Series F

For Series F, Duchamp added twelve more reproductions to the Boîte, raising the total number of items to eighty. These consisted of prints in black and white and in color made between 1963 and 1965; Duchamp divided them among three new "feuilles libres" (loose folders). The edition, issued in 1966, included seventy-five copies, all bearing the signature "Marcel Duchamp."

The new works included…
Folder 14: 
Portrait Chauvel (1910 painting; reproduced in four-color gravure)
Bateau-Lavoir [Laundry Barge] (1910 painting; reproduced in four-color gravure)
Femme nue dans un tub [Nude Woman in a Tub] (1910 painting; reproduced in four-color gravure)
Nu rouge [Red Nude] (1910 painting; reproduced in four-color gravure)
Folder 15:
Tamis ou Ombrelles [Sieves or Parasols] (drawing; reproduced in collotype)
Étude pour les joueurs d'échecs [Study for the Chess Players] (drawing; reproduced in letterpress)
Pour une partie d'échecs [For a Chess Match] (drawing; reproduced in letterpress)
Portrait de joueurs d'échecs - Jacques Villon et Raymond Duchamp-Villon [Portrait of Chess Players - Jacques Villon and Raymond Duchamp-Villon] (drawing; reproduced in letterpress)
Folder 16:
Feuille de vigne femelle [Female Fig Leaf] (sculpture; reproduced in four-color gravure)
Réseaux de stoppages-étalon [Network of Standard Stoppages] (1914, oil and pencil on canvas; reproduced in four-color offset)
Object-Dard (sculpture, reproduced in four-color gravure)
Coin de chasteté (sculpture, reproduced in four-color gravure)

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