Marcel Duchamp's Boîte-en-valise: The Museum of Metamorphosis


Brenna Campbell, Élodie Lévêque, and Erin Jue, “Marcel Duchamp’s Boîtes-en-valise: Collaboration and Conservation,” Studies in Conservation 57, no. sup1 (2012): S52-S60 for an appraisal of the Boîte's physical change over time; Bonk, Marcel Duchamp: The Box in a Valise, 207–9 and Campbell, Lévêque, and Jue, S59-S60 for the evidence to suggest that Duchamp did not foresee or intend the Boîte's deterioration.

Click on the close-up image of the reproduction of Glissière [Glider] to read more about how Duchamp responded to physical change in the Boîte during his lifetime. 

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