Making the Best of It: Dandelion

Making the Best of It: Dandelion Potlucks

Between Northern Sparks 2016 & 2017, we are convening a series of potlucks to eat nimbly in the face of changing climate, and to explore what it means to become more dandelion.

The current timeline includes the following series of meals (that are documented in the path that begins on the bottom of this page):

Public Event #1  = September 30, 2016, Picnic discussion with dandelion tea at Macalester International Roundtable on Urban Sustainability (Sustainable Cities: Sharing Habitat, Building Resiliency) & City Arts Collaboratory book launch
(5pm – midnight, with collaboration with workshop: NIGHT A’ROUND THE TABLE, Mira Ensley-Field, Naomi Klionsky, Robert Lin, Metric Giles, Melvin Giles, Delinia Parris, Valentine Cadieux, Seitu Jones, and dinner guests, Cultural House)
Public Event #2 = Oct 19, 2016: Dinner collaboration with David Szanto (University of Gastronomic Sciences) EcoGastronomy project
Workshop in Cedar Riverside on the nature of RESIDENCY: November 11, 2016, Patty Healy McMeans, Sarah Petersen, Sarah Nassif, Valentine Cadieux, following weeklong workshop interactions with Janaki Ranpura
Public Event #3 = April, 2017 Pair of Dandelion Teas in the (Art Shanties) Tea Shanty, with food forest and permaculture communities, sharing conversation about how to eat nimbly in the context of challenges repairing hydrological hubris in the residential forest
Public Event #4 = April & May, 2017 Making the Best of It: Dandelion picnics at the Hamline Peace and Appreciation Gardens and Urban Farm and Garden Alliance (installing one of the MTBOI structures)
Public Event #5 = April & May (, 2017 Making the Best of It: Dandelion Meals at The Good Acre and Cornercopia, University of Minnesota, with the cluster interested in ReImagining Food Studies

To participate, click "Participate!" or "Loss, Danger, Joy" at

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