Lucy Audley's Secret


This project was created for a graduate-level multimedia class in McMaster University's MA in Communication and New Media.  I have retold Lady Audley's Secret through social media--specifically Alicia Audley's Tumblr and Lucy Audley's Instagram.  To experience the story, you can journey through the relevant posts on Alicia's blog, Lucy's relevant posts on Instagram, or both at once, as dictated by the paths below.

If you like, you can read the original text through Project Gutenberg, or simply read a tweet recap I did a while ago.  However, prior knowledge of the original isn't necessary to enjoy this adaptation; part of the fun is in guessing what's really happening.  I encourage you to explore both these social media accounts in their entirety; Alicia's theme, blog title, posts, and tags all say something about her, and Lucy's pictures, captions, emojis, and hashtags say just as much about her.  What exactly they say is up to you to interpret.

Contents of this path: