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LSBA 390 Final Project

Taylor Alan Campbell, Author

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Time has been an important aspect of digital literature since 1990 when Abbe Don identified how time functions in digital literature. In oral narratives, knowledge was experienced as events unfolding in time. 1990

Digital media's are more successful in connecting the viewers' time and the artworks time. (Francisco J. Ricardo) 2009

An advantage digital literature possesses in contrast to print literature is time. The text in digital literature becomes eventilized while print text is sterile. (Francisco J. Ricardo) 2009

Katherine Hayles revitalizes time as an aspect of  digital literature by identifying the many ways it affects the work an the user. The ways in which readers mobilize the resources offered by to “negotiate between and across narrative and history, phenomenological and objective time. 2012

Digital Literature has the capabilities to defy temporal logic. (Katherine Hayles) 2012

Digital literature offers many more possibilities for reading paths, and these un- fold as a function of time, including alternating between the two narratives back to front and front to back, as well as reading all the chronomosaics as a group and myriad other possibilities. (Katherine Hayles) 2012

What emerges is a spacetime within whose high dimensionality and complex topography the personal merges with the mythic in the narratives, while in the chronologies, the individual merges with the collective, and the national with the transnational. (Katherine Hayles) 2012


As indicated by the above quotations, time is a notion that has not been developed in regards to digital literature until recently. The implications of the extent digital media can affect time has not (at the time I am writing this) been fully understood. What is understood is the connection between time and space. Spatial locations have been altered as technology advances and so to has the aspect of time. Time can be broken down into multiple categories. One example is the amount of time an individual spends with any given work. With print media, say a novel, the reader will have a rough estimate of the time they will need to dedicate to reading in order to complete and understand the narrative. Digital media warps this sense of time in that the length of time the viewer (reader, user) spends with the piece will affect the narrative and the level of interpretation. The ability of the viewer to directly affect the narrative is an important aspect to digital literature. It allows the prospect for fully participatory texts to be developed which may lead to greater public interest.   

(For more on the development of space, click here) 
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