In the dawn of digital literature, Abbe Don identified possible issues with information and aesthetics. In order to combat the objective information of the various media across screens, designers must address: 1990
A) The relationship between content, structure, and context.
B) The multiple representations of knowledge.
C) The politics of information.
Individuals construct a sense of self through a variety of media such as, diaries, photos, and videos. (Abbe Don)1990
Users should have the ability to define the type of characters they prefer in a story. (Abbe Don) 1990
Common themes occur through the various media, presenting the viewer with more than one form, creating a richer experience. (Abbe Don) 1990
Aesthetic approach regards narrativity, fictionality, and literariness as inseparable features. The aesthetic approach defines narrative as a global effect toward which every single textual element conspires. (Marie-Laure Ryan) 2004
All literature has some relationship to imagery, and that inverse is not true. (Francisco J. Ricardo) 2009
Essence, form, and instance are three indispensable attributes of all literary and aesthetic objects. (Francisco J. Ricardo) 2009
From an aesthetic point of view, redundancy in digital literature is problematic. (Francisco J. Ricardo) 2009
The materiality of literature changes when the digital technology is used for aesthetic reasons and not just for distribution. (Francisco J. Ricardo) 2009
For a genre involving images, video, text, audio, and interaction, aesthetics are crucial to digital literature. The first works involved in the digital realm used aesthetics as delivery mechanisms. The appeal of the pieces was not connected to the piece itself but rather to engage users directly. When authors utilize aesthetics for narrative purposes the text evolves and so to does the story. It broadens the term narrative as something made up of multiple modes (multimodal), rather then plain text. An aesthetic approach to digital literature allows for the rigid structured form of the database to evolve through narrative, providing overall emphasis on interpretation and meaning.
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