A city that can be "all the things": competing/changing/conflicting images of Las Vegas in mainstream US films

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A city that can be "all the things": competing/changing/conflicting images of Las Vegas in mainstream US films is an ongoing project to explore the many depictions of Las Vegas across decades of Hollywood and US independent films through digital humanities methods. The "all the things" quote from the project title refers to a quote from casino mogul Steve Wynn. Wynn, whose signature approach to casino resort design has been noted as "neo-Baroque," was one of the first casino owners to push the Strip in the direction of themed mega-resorts over glorious gambling halls. For Wynn, the appeal of Las Vegas was its ability to be "all the things people in every city in America like...in one gulp."

In terms of both resort design strategy and media representations, the image of Las Vegas has ranged from hedonistic excess to high roller glamour to family adventure destination and beyond. The current version of this project contains the following:You can move through the different pages along the prescribed path or use the menu on toolbar at the top of the site to explore as you wish.

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