The Urban Landscape - screening series

The Commons

Produced in collaboration with renowned graffiti photographer Henry Chalfant, Style Wars is an indispensable document of New York Street culture of the early 1980s: a  filmic record of the golden age of graffiti and hip hop — youthful creativity that exploded into the world from a city in economic crisis.

Portraying New York City’s ramshackle subway system as both a public canvas and public policy battleground, the film portrays a number of the young artists at work, juxtaposed against the official positions of Mayor Koch, the police and other city officials contending that graffiti is vandalism.  A loving portrait of street culture and the spatial politics informing this early 1980s culture, the film ultimately leads to a climactic head when graffiti is “discovered” by the art market and moved inside to galleries.  Providing a visceral, visual and auditory chronicle of the first wave of NYC gentrification and the forces of economic “revitalization” which rocked the city and transformed its cultural landscape, Style Wars won the Grand Prize for Documentaries at the 1983 Sundance Film Festival.

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