This comment was written by Dr Stanley Adrian on 29 Dec 2020.

Kidney Transplant in India


Hello everyone I am Lakshmi Gowda i want to share my story with you all I was in debt of 35 lacs and mylife was in a bad stage I lost all I have gotten
before so I made a decision that I want to sell my k1dney and i came online and met a lot of scammers they took 2 lakh from me and still I could not donate my k1dney after a month I came back online and met one
Dr. Stan online and he told me the procedure which did, they paid my 5 Cr before the operation and balance 5 Crafter the operation, I only spend little
money on this process but today am a very happy man and my families are so happy to Thank you so much, Dr. Stan, You can contact him on e-mail, (
( Call +919663960578

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