Keywords for Rhetoric and Communication Studies

Workshop: Entering Citations

Scalar does not have a built in way to enter in footnotes. As a result, we will be entering in our code manually using HTML to provide this functionality.

By default, the Scalar editor does not take in HTML code. Instead, it converts the text that we insert into HTML on the backend. To see this, type something into your editor and click the Source button:As you can see, HTML works by "tagging" different parts of our text with modifiers.  Most HTML tags have a beginning and an end. Beginning tags are placed between "< >" symbols while closing tags are p laced between "</ >" symbols (notice the slash that signifies the ending).

The first thing we need to do is tell Scalar that we will be entering in a footnote. To do that, click the "Source" button again. Now, we will need to enter in our citations. Each citation is composed of two different pieces of HTML code. Lets examine the first piece of code.


This code needs to be placed where you actually want the footnote to appear. For instance:

The “1” referenced in the code refers to the fact that this is the first footnote. This code serves as an “anchor” for the footnote itself. But, we have not specified a location. To do so, we need to go to the bottom of our source code and place the actual code for the link.

<sup id="fn1">1. Text for your footnote<a href="#ref1" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text."></a></sup><\br>


Again, the “1” referenced in the code refers to the fact that this is your first footnote. To make additional footnotes, we will need to change all the references to “2.” So, the first piece of code in our actual text will read:


And, the next one will read:


You will need to do the same thing for each additional footnote.

Having entered all of our code, we can go back to the normal editor to make additional changes.


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