Hired to Depress: A Digital Scholarly Edition of William Blake's Annotations to Sir Joshua Reynolds' DiscoursesMain MenuWho is William Blake?Just who is William Blake? And why does his scribbling in a book matter?Who is Sir Joshua Reynolds?Important FiguresTitle PageContents of The First VolumeDedication and To the KingSome Account of the Life and Writings of Sir Joshua ReynoldsWritten by Edmond Malone, Esq.The First DiscourseBibliographyElizabeth Pottera6e9fb7ea6eda3e5063e2aee73ca5f372e99b8f3
12017-01-14T00:19:25-08:00Blake marginalia Some Account iii A016plain2018-04-25T18:03:55-07:00 Invention depends Altogether upon Execution & Organization. as that is right or wrong so is the Invention perfect or imperfect. Whoever is set to Undermine the Execution of Art is Set to Destroy Art Michael Angelos Art depends on Michel Angelos Execution Altogether
Editorial Note:
Blake's artistic process suggests that learning the techniques and methods of an art are imperative. This may be influenced from his craft of engraving, a highly technical art.