Hired to Depress: A Digital Scholarly Edition of William Blake's Annotations to Sir Joshua Reynolds' DiscoursesMain MenuWho is William Blake?Just who is William Blake? And why does his scribbling in a book matter?Who is Sir Joshua Reynolds?Important FiguresTitle PageContents of The First VolumeDedication and To the KingSome Account of the Life and Writings of Sir Joshua ReynoldsWritten by Edmond Malone, Esq.The First DiscourseBibliographyElizabeth Pottera6e9fb7ea6eda3e5063e2aee73ca5f372e99b8f3
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12017-01-15T22:33:01-08:00Elizabeth Pottera6e9fb7ea6eda3e5063e2aee73ca5f372e99b8f370541The First Discourse pg. 20plain2017-01-15T22:33:01-08:00Elizabeth Pottera6e9fb7ea6eda3e5063e2aee73ca5f372e99b8f3
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12017-01-11T00:24:09-08:00The First Discourse 203plain2017-01-15T22:33:38-08:00 there is no danger ; since the Council has determined to supply the Acaderfry with a variety of subjects ; and indeed those laws which they have drawn up, and which the Secretary will presently read for your con- firmation, have in some measure precluded me from saying more upon this occasion. Instead, therefore, of offering my advice, permit me to indulge my wishes, and ex- press my hope, that this institution may answer the expectation of its Royal Foun- der; that the present age may vie in Arts with that of LEO the Tenth; and that the dignity of the dying Art (to make use of an expression of Pliny) may be revived under the Reign of GEORGE THE THIRD.