Hired to Depress: A Digital Scholarly Edition of William Blake's Annotations to Sir Joshua Reynolds' Discourses

Contents IV-VI


General Ideas the presiding principle which regulates every part of Art; Invention, Expression, Colouring, and Drapery. — Two distinct Styles in History-Painting, the Grand and the Ornamental. — The Schools in which each is to be found. — The Composite Style — The Style formed on local customs and habits, or a partial view of Nature pg. 79

Circumspection required in endeavouring to unite contrary Excellencies. The expression of a Mixed Passion not to be attempted. Examples of those who excelled in the Great Style, Raffaelle, Michael Angelo. Those two extraordinary men compared with each other. The Characteristical Style; Salvator Rosa mentioned as an example of that Style, and opposed to Carlo Maratti. — Sketch of the Characters of Poussin and Rubens. These two Painters entirely dissimilar, but consistent with themselves. This
consistency required in all parts of the Art...p. 115

Imitation. — Genius begins where Rules end. — Invention, acquired by being conversant with the Inventions of others. — The true method of Imitating.— Borrowing, how far allowable. — Something to be gathered from every School.,,p.145

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