Joshua Johnson, Painter

Conclusion and Further Research

Overall there are a number of themes that emerge in the writings on Johnson – biographical themes of a mysterious figure historians are interested in knowing more about, inclusion into collections of African American artists, as well as inclusions into collections of art featuring African Americans, and social histories that put the focus on the world Johnson lived in.

I think a strong direction that could be pursued in the future would be further investigation into Pleasants’ work and more closely matching up the evolution of Johnson’s discovery and interest in his work with major historical themes of the 20th century such as the civil rights movement. It would also be advantageous for more historical fiction representations (in the vein of Bearden and Henderson) of Baltimore during this time period and Johnson’s place within that setting. 

The story of Joshua Johnson is an intriguing sneak peak into what life was like for a free black man. The societal balance he had to strike between white abolitionists who would support him financially and the slave culture he came from is fascinating and I think it could work well in a television show format. As more biography is slowly uncovered about Johnson there are possibilities of more interesting readings of his work. Much of the accessories in the paintings are dismissed as being common to all limners of the period, but it may be possible to link these up further with events in Johnson’s life, or in understanding a more personal connection Johnson had with the families.

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