This site requires Javascript to be turned on. Please enable Javascript and reload the page. Jonas Salk and the Invention of the Polio Vaccine Main Menu A Brief History of Variolation A Brief History of Vaccination Polio Timeline Alvaro Quezada 7828c851ddc470a00b45eb00bde06e8e2aefd52c Jonas Salk and the Invention of the Polio Vaccine 1 media/egypt.JPG media/jonas-salk-polio-vaccine.jpg 2020-09-09T11:58:51-07:00 Alvaro Quezada 7828c851ddc470a00b45eb00bde06e8e2aefd52c 37889 17 splash 2020-10-06T10:00:17-07:00 Cari Kaurloto 3781164953cd6d9b5d46e62a61a9c84cdeafe0c1 This page has paths: 1 2020-10-06T09:45:43-07:00 Cari Kaurloto 3781164953cd6d9b5d46e62a61a9c84cdeafe0c1 A Brief History... Cari Kaurloto 2 plain 2020-10-06T10:04:56-07:00 Cari Kaurloto 3781164953cd6d9b5d46e62a61a9c84cdeafe0c1