"If I had to Live my Life Over Again, I would Be a Botanist": John Cage’s Mycology Collection

YCH Note 6

Bottoms and Reti, “Rita Bottoms: John Cage,” In Rita Bottoms: Polyartist Librarian, 165. 

In a conversation with Rita Bottoms, she recalled that Cage's comments seemed to provoke controversy. She reflected this sentiment in her oral history with Irene Reti:

Some members of the art board did not come. Mary Holmes did not come. Jasper Rose showed up and spoke the entire time with a big butt of a cigar in his mouth so that you couldn’t hear too well. They got a court stenographer in there to record the proceedings; they were very smart to do that. Some of the art board boycotted it because they didn’t consider that this was anything they needed to be at. Maybe they didn’t like John Cage; maybe they didn’t like Merce Cunningham. It was really very rude.

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