"If I had to Live my Life Over Again, I would Be a Botanist": John Cage’s Mycology Collection

Wasson Book Mushroom, Hisorty, and Russia Book

1. Merce Cunningham         21. Louise and Richard Lippold
2. Lois Long                         22. Minna Lederman
3. Jasper Johns                   23. Mell Daniel
4. David Tudor
5. Esther Dam
6. Guy Nearing
7. Norman O. Brown
8. Beth Brown
9. Dick Winslow
10. Betty Winslow
11. Christian Wolff
12. Ralph Ferrara
13. Paula Madawick
14. Vera Williams
15. Paul Williams
16. Sarah Williams
17. M.C. Richards
18. Elaine de Kooning
19. Tucker Madawick
20. Susan and David McAllister

I would like to thank Amy Beal, Alix Norton, and Larry Polanski, for helping decipher these signatures. 

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