
Important Aspects of Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers

Whenever you want to look for a regenerative thermal oxidizer, you should know that you get all the components. Also, make sure that you choose the best and the most reliable RTO manufacturer for installing the RTO system. Here are the important components/capabilities of RTOs that you should know. Evaluate these before you install one for your factory. Once you have the unit which has optimal design and components, your unit will work with 100% efficiency.

Temperature capabilities

Most oxidizers work at a temperature of 1800º-1850º F.  Sometimes the temperature can pass this limit, so you need to install a hot side bypass damper. The hot side bypass dampers regulate the temperature. Ti also ensures that the core temperature of the thermal remains at a constant level. If the temperature does not remain constant, it will not convert the gases which will result in less heat recovery and conversion.

Heat recovery efficiency

To make sure that RTO works at a lower cost if you have higher heat efficiency. A reliable and a proper 100% regenerative thermal oxidizer installation will achieve 85-95% heat recovery. With this much heat recovery, you will ensure that your RTO is working at a great efficiency level.

Internal insulation

Internal insulation plays an important part in any thermal unit. You can reduce the operating cost if you install a sufficient amount of insulation inside. Insulation will also reduce the outer skin temperature of the regenerative thermal oxidizer. When the skin temperature reduces, it creates increases efficiency levels of the oxidizer.
Construction materials
The construction materials also play a vital role in ensuring the high-quality output of the entire unit.  Make sure that you ask the manufacturer to install an RTO with 25” and .375” carbon steel plate exterior. You should also go for a suitable outdoor corrosion-resistant paint. 
Access doors to the inside of the unit

Your RTO oxidizer should have access doors. These doors should provide access to all major units of the RTO for repair and maintenance. If you do not have these doors, you may not get enough time to make the repairs quickly. It is why you should ensure that there are several access doors at all levels of your thermal oxidizer unit.
Burner manufacture and design
The design and construction of the burner should be by all NFPA regulations.

Fuel train installation

The regenerative thermal oxidizer manufacturer should install the fuel train at the factory. The manufacturer should also pre-wired and pre-pipe the unit.

Start-up time

An RTO thermal oxidizer should start in two to four hours. If it takes longer, it is not correctly installed. Make sure that you hire an expert RTO installer for this purpose.

Temperature recorder

The RTO must have a high quality and a continuous temperature recorder. With these recordings, you can access the changes and then assess the condition of your unit.

Installation time

In general, it takes two to four weeks for medium-sized RTO installations. A good installer will not take longer than this time.

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