[IS/MDIA 590] Community Data - S2019

Survey Questions (Draft)

This survey is coordinated by theUIUC Community Data Graduate Class(School of Information Sciences/ICR) in partnership with the City of Urbana. Survey results will help inform the development of future quality of life initiatives in Urbana (and in Ward 3/the Crystal Lake Park neighborhood specifically). We invite all City Employees and Staff to share feedback on progress related to planning for quality of life efforts in Urbana/Ward 3, and on your data and digital tool use that informs your work. 
The survey will take 10-20 minutes to complete. All responses are optional. And responses can remain anonymous. We request responses by ________. *

Survey results will be shared with City of Urbana agencies in early May. 
We thank you for your time. You may contact Melissa Haynes, UPD (haynesmr@urbanaillinois.us) or Anita Chan, iSchool, UIUC (achan@illinois.edu) for any questions.
*Early responses by ____ can see Melissa for a thank you token. 

  1. What is your department/office? 
  2. How long have you worked in XXX? (and/or: where were you before)
  3. What changes have you seen over time? (or: how do you compare your observations with your past institution?) 
  4. What do you think of as working well in your city agency? (Does a "best practice" come to mind?)
  5. What do you think of as not working as well, or still a challenge for your agency?
  6. What impressions (if any)_ do you have on the Crystal Lake Park neighborhood?
  7. What specific work has your agnecy undertaken in Ward 3/ Crystal Lake Park over the past 3-5 years?
  8. What progress has been made on that project?
  9. What challenges are there for that project?
  10. What progress would you like to see in Ward 3/ Crystal Lake Park in the next 3-5 years?
  11. In your work, what data do you use regularly? 
  12. How do you use it? (Can you give an example?)
  13. What digital tools/technologies have you found to be most useful for your work? 
  14. How do you use it? (Can you give an example?)
  15. What (new/added) data might you like to see to help inform your work?
  16. What (new/added) digital tech/tool might you like to use to help your work?
  17. What resources have you used to help support your use of digital/data tools (ex. online class, in person training, text book, website, personal contact)?
  18. Are there any key partners for your work within or outside your city agency?
  19. What would you like to get more feedback on (either specifically or generally) from fellow City workers/staff, or Urbana City residents?
  20. Is there anything more in particular you would like to share?
21.  I'm comfortable with my responses being shared:with attribution // anonymously
22.  Your email address(optional)