Bio Analysis
Additional Questions for Consideration
- What good are academic/professional bios?
- How are they written?
- How are they written? First or third person?
- What function do they serve?
- Who is their intended audience?
- What assumptions does the author make about their audience?
- Does the author situate themselves within a community?
- If so, what community?
- What does the author emphasize and what do you learn about them?
- What kinds of choices does the author make and for what purposes?
- What part of the story do you feel is missing, has been ignored, or has been glossed over?
- What evidence do you have that these other parts of the story should have been given more treatment?
- Why do you respond the way that you do to the author's writing and digital presentation?
- Do they have a sense of ease, comfort, or discomfort in writing and presentation style?
- What is the writer's attitude? Is there a good beginning or good ending? Why?
- Does the author give equal treatment to the past, present and future?
- Is there something that stands out and hooks the reader, for better or worse?