INTL 190 - Haiti in a Transnational Context

Yufeng - Why this topic

In the beginning, this paper aimed to focus on the communist movement in China and Haiti. However, the outbreak between Russia and Ukraine led to a change in this paper's topic. On February 24, 2022, China, which has been silent, expressed its views between Russia and Ukraine. According to NetEase News, Chunying Hua, a representative of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said China had suffered from colonial aggression by eight-nation allied forces and other foreign countries since modern times. Hua also pointed out that more than 20 years ago, the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed by NATO. The incident killed three Chinese journalists and injured many others. NATO still owes a massive debt of blood to China. Even so, China's position remains that it wants to uphold the principles of the UN Charter and that Russia and Ukraine can resolve their disputes through diplomatic communication. The phrase "blood debt" in China's Foreign Ministry's statement reminds me of Haiti. China and Haiti share a similar past, a shameful history of invasion and colonization by the West. I hope this paper will make this "blood debt" known to more people. The "blood debt" should not be unrecorded or modified by others with ulterior motives. This paper will compare and analyze the stigmatization and unrecorded history between China and Haiti.
"Recent history saw China invaded by the Eight-Power Allied Forces and other colonialist powers, which left behind indelible poignant memories of national humiliation. Just about 20 years ago, the Chinese embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was hit by NATO bombing, which killed three Chinese journalists and injured many more. NATO still owes the Chinese people a debt of blood." by Chunying Hua

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