INTL 190 - Haiti in a Transnational Context

Unrecorded or cover up the fact

There are many unrecorded facts about the Nanjing Massacre that China experienced during the Second Sino-Japan War, and some people were even attempted to cover it up. According to Chelsea Szendi Schieder on The Nation, Motoya Toshio, a Japanese billionaire, denied The Nanjing Massacre and the "comfort women (click to get more information about comfort women by The Wall Street Journal's video)." In this video, Andrew Browne talks about the repeated denial of comfort women by Japanese authorities. Survivors of the comfort women continue to live in torment due to the complex cultural and political issues in Asia. Moreover, he is just one of them. Many right-wing revisionists in Japan are trying to cover up the truth of the war.

In addition to The Second Sino-Japan War, Britannica also put The Eight-Nation Alliance into The Boxer Rebellion. Britannica doesn't even have the words about Eight-Nation Alliance. According to Hucker on Britannica, The Boxer Rebellion is an extreme anti-foreign movement in China. It looks like Hucker wants to portray the war as the fault of Chinese xenophobia. Alternatively, he wants to portray the war due to Cixi's misguided diplomacy. However, lousy diplomacy is not the right reason to invade China. An invasion by an eight-nation coalition should not be considered the right kind of resistance. Here is an example from a current event. According to a Bloomberg report by Patrick Donahue, Russia invaded Ukraine because Ukraine wanted to join NATO, which threatened Russia's geopolitical security. Ukraine may have chosen the wrong diplomatic path, but Russia's attack on Ukraine was undoubtedly a wrong act of aggression. No one would classify Russia's invasion of Ukraine as Ukraine's accession to NATO. Go back to Britannica and Hucker, they are trying to cover up that Eight-Nation Alliance invaded China in this way.

This is similar to Haiti's unrecorded history. But the ultimate goal of the stigmatization of French Negroes was also to cover up the insurgence of enslaved people. The media glossed over their movement by turning their uprising into a riot. Moreover, according to "An unthinkable history", almost all philosophers and historians ignored or tried to cover up the uprising in Haiti (96). Western historians denied or disbelieved the uprising in Haiti and even tried to revise their uprising stories.  When facing the China and Haiti's history, historians and philosophers have always run away from the truth.

Another reason why their history is not recorded is that the people who can tell the truth are dead, either by suicide or by murder. According to Salve Resistance, slave Resistance to institutional cruelty and human degradation takes many forms (55). Not all forms are overt, and some are self-destructive (55). When enslaved people self-destruct, they fall into permanent silence. There was no one to tell their story.

On the Chinese side, Zhang Yimou's The Flowers of War exemplified another form of death and silence, that is, disappearance. This is a film based on a true story. Twelve prostitutes and a dainty boy protected thirteen schoolgirls from becoming Japanese "comfort women." However, no one knows the fate of the twelve prostitutes and the boys. At the end of the movie, one girl student says, "Until this day. I still do not know what happened to the women of the Qin Huai River (Nanjing). I never learned all of their names, And never saw them being taken away by the Japanese. "They could not talk about all the pain they suffered because they could not speak. It also reminds me of the song sung by the twelve whores in the movie. The lyrics of the song are: "I have a story, and let me put it into song. I hope every one of you, can listen to me patiently. Allow me to sing the legend of the Qin Huai River (Nanjing), slowly and passionately, For each one of you." This song expresses the feelings of war victims, trying to tell what happened to them. However, death silences them. Even if they want to talk, and some people listen, death silences the truth. As a result, when history becomes difficult to record because of the victims' deaths, and some people attempt to cover up the truth, the tragic history of China and Haiti cannot be properly recorded.
This picture is coming from The Flowers of War by Yimou Zhang,

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