The Sino-U.S. conflict and the support of the United States for Taiwan
Apart from the economic assistance provided by Taiwan, the help of the United States is one of the factors that helps stabilize the relationship between Taiwan and Haiti. As far as what is known by the world, Taiwan's stance is largely determined by the attitude of the United States since Taiwan is regarded as a buffer for the United States in combat with mainland China (Mach, 2019).
As a matter of fact, the United States also keeps a close eye on the political inclination of Latin America and more or less uses Taiwan to control the battle with the mainland China in winning the inclination of Latin America. This is influenced by the different strategies and profits between mainland China and U.S. Haiti in dealing with the relationship with Latin America. On April 6, 2005, the U.S. House International Relations Committee on Western Hemisphere organized a meeting on mainland China's influence in the western hemisphere. Some lawmakers and experts strongly believe that the growing ties between mainland China and Latin America will challenge United States' authority and profits in Latin America and that mainland China is taking advantage of Latin America to form a coalition of third world countries whose interests and values are different or even hostile to the U.S. (Hearing testimony of June Dreyer, 2005).
It can be seen that Latin America, which includes Haiti, plays a vital role for the United States in combat with the mainland China. The United States is warier after Panama, Dominica, and El Salvador abandoned Taiwan authorities and established diplomatic relations with the mainland China. From this angle, the United States will give a lot of aid to Taiwan and pressure Haiti not to cut ties with Taiwan to prevent the mainland China from further expanding its influence in Latin America.
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