INTL 190 - Haiti in a Transnational Context


        The relationship between Haiti and China is also reflected in the belief systems. Both Haiti and China have a developed spiritual belief system, which sets moral standards for living and is used as guidance to influence people's behaviors. Confucianism and Vodou have many historical and contemporary similarities and differences. Confucianism was one of the religious philosophies that had the most significant impacts on Chinese daily living, and similarly, Vodou changed the way and habits of Haitian life. Both Confucianism and Vodou had profound impacts on their believers and followers and the society and politics of their countries. In addition to the similarities between Confucianism and Vodou, this paper will discuss the differences between the two spiritual guidances, including their historical origins, the way of spreading, and perceptions of the two spiritual belief systems in modern societies. By illustrating the historical and modern similarities and differences between Confucianism and Vodou, this article will reflect how the Chinese and Haitian peoples have been influenced by the religious ideals they pursue.

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