haitian brazil conclusin 2
1 2022-03-09T22:24:16-08:00 Yingjun Zhang f6e3dda4e1c26842ac12821c63827070918a8cc4 39977 1 plain 2022-03-09T22:24:16-08:00 Yingjun Zhang f6e3dda4e1c26842ac12821c63827070918a8cc4This page is referenced by:
Yingjun Zhang
The Brazilian culture has significantly and positively impacted Haiti in numerous aspects. As a nation and considering numerous changes reflected in the instability of Haiti over the years, Brazil has played a pivotal role in its restoration. Haitians view Brazilians as hospitable and accommodating, which played an essential role when Haiti faced numerous challenges. For instance, the influx of Haitian refugees in Brazil was accommodated by the Brazilian government through the issuance of work visas, which can be established as a contribution to the growth and eventual stability of Haiti. Their hospitality culture is noted as they fed immigrants at the borders awaiting visas, which created a positive image of Brazil to the Haitians and the world at large. Also, Brazil concerned, welcoming and supportive culture can be attributed to military aid in Haiti for rescue operations and peacekeeping through MINUSTAH operations. Moreover, Brazil has been involved in construction and developments in Haiti covering agriculture, technology, security, transportation, sanitation, peacebuilding, and overall social welfare. Besides, after the 2010 earthquake, Brazil provided reconstruction funds, and in addition, medicine, water, food, and other essentials to the affected nation.Over the years, Haiti has encountered innumerable conditions that have led to its political, economic, and social instability. One of the conditions of Haiti is the constant instance of political instabilities, corruption, and dictatorship. The downfall of the socio-economic nature of the nation has its origins ascribed to President Francois Duvalier and his dictatorship reign on Haiti. Also, since its independence in 1804, Haiti has had several instances of coups and the overthrow of governments. The most recent coups in 1991 and 2004 were instigated against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. As a result, there have been constant instances of instability and lack of peace in the nation. President assassinations have also been seen in Haiti with the most recent 2021 assassination of president Jovenel Moïse. However, beyond the engulfing political instability and corruption in Haiti, the nation faces natural disasters including extreme earthquakes, winds, and floods, which have left hundreds of thousands dead and injured, properties destroyed, and millions displaced. These constant disasters have contributed to the continued poverty in the nation and the difficulties in reconstruction.
One major question is why Brazil felt compelled to help in the construction of Haiti. Notably, Brazil took a leading role in the efforts to rebuild Haiti. After the 2010 earthquake, Brazil was the first to contribute to the Haiti Reconstruction Fund used to rebuild the nation, and also contributed soldiers to the country, especially for peacekeeping and rescue purposes. Brazil replaced the US which was mainly the go-to Western nation for aid, by providing military and humanitarian help to Haitians. However, for most of the 21st century, the Brazilian government has focused on peace-building and keeping initiatives, and its contribution in helping was not based solely on personal benefits but on an aim to create an integrated region. Besides, Brazil has adopted a humanitarian and diplomatic approach in interacting with Haiti in the search for overall national stability.Notably, Brazil assumed a significant role in the Haitian ABC implementation and overall rebuilding, especially in the 21st century. Besides their peace-building and keeping initiatives, Brazil has encouraged demilitarization while encouraging social development. However, Brazil increased its involvement with Haiti following its military operations with MINUSTAH. MINUSTAH was highly comprised of Brazilians who reinforced peace and were involved in rescue operations when Haiti was hit by disasters. Besides the military aspect, Brazil has aided Haiti through economic disasters, for instance, through the reconstruction fund contribution, provision of work visas to Haitians. Overall, Brazil has integrated various projects and programs in Haiti to promote good relationships with the country, but also ensure humanitarian and social welfare stability.
One of the common and significant phenomena noted in the previous years is the extensive immigration of Haitians to Brazil. The increased immigration is attributed, in a great way, to the 2010 earthquake that hit Haiti and besides losing property, deaths, injuries, and displacements, the economic aspect of the Haitians worsened. Therefore, most of the Haitians to Brazil were in search of employment opportunities. In the beginning, the immigrants used illegal routes through the Amazon to enter Brazil, and the Brazilian government worked towards giving papers to the migrants. Notably, the Brazilian government has worked towards documenting some Haitian migrants, while also providing visas for other Haitians to legally enter. However, the natural disasters were not the only reasons why Haitians sought refuge in Brazil, but the previous political instability in the nation forced many individuals out of Haiti.
From the exploration of the relationship between Brazil and Haiti, it is essential to say that the two nations have a good relationship, and are essentially beneficial to vulnerable Haiti. However, when learning about the relationship, studies have shown that the relationship was cultivated in the 21st century, with a focus on the 2004 political turmoil and the following earthquake in 2010. The 2004 coup of president Aristide increased violence and highly disturbed Haiti’s peace, leading to the intervention by MINUSTAH which was highly concentrated by military and civil Brazilians. Later in 2010, the earthquake destroyed infrastructure and displaced the massive Haitian population. However, unilaterally, Brazil resolved the issue by issuing visas to Haitians and withdrawing military forces from Haiti. The continued issuance of visas to Haitians is beneficial because it increased the chances and opportunities of the immigrants to live a better life through work acquisition, and the withdrawal of military troops from Haiti means that Brazilians respect their sovereignty. This is an effective way to forge good relationships between the two nations. This, overall, shows a promising future for the relationship and cooperation of the Haiti and Brazil governments in the future. Besides, the Brazilian government has established numerous programs and humanitarian projects over the years to help in rebuilding the nation and promoting stability-economically, socially, and politically. However, when evaluating the political aspect of the relationship between Brazil and Haiti, it is evident that Brazil highly dictates the cooperation terms, which could be in instances challenging to the Haitians in Brazil. However, both nations have embassies in either country, and high-level dignitaries have exchanged visits between the countries over the years highlighting potential strong relationships.