Haiti new imperialism
1 2022-03-09T19:58:47-08:00 Yingjun Zhang f6e3dda4e1c26842ac12821c63827070918a8cc4 39977 1 Yingjun Zhang plain 2022-03-09T19:58:47-08:00 Yingjun Zhang f6e3dda4e1c26842ac12821c63827070918a8cc4This page is referenced by:
New Imperialism
One thing evident in the leadership of Haiti is the new form of imperialist oppression. These imperialism and capitalism actions play a pivotal role in undermining the autonomy of Haiti’s government, as well as an impact on its social and economic structures. The US creates opportunities in the instance of disasters, like the devastating 2010 earthquake, which ensures that as they assist, the policies formulated are in favor of US capitalism. Although the disaster Aid is beneficial to the impacted Haitians, the ulterior motive leads to increased benefits to the US. As a result, aid through militarization and capitalizing on disasters has led to the ascension of US imperialism. According to Forgie (2014), imperialism through militarization in Haiti by the US can be traced back to 1915, to the recent 1991 and 2004 Aristide exiles orchestrated by the CIA.
Moreover, according to World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) (2004), Aristide’s coup was orchestrated by the US Bush administration with the help of other bigger powers, leading to the death of hundreds of Haitians. Moreover, Paris was also associated with inciting the crisis as they enhanced the activities of the elite opponents of the exiled president through financial support. The current imperialism vulnerability of Haiti to the US is attributed to the French colonists who left the country in ruins of poverty and oppression, encouraging preying by growing powers.
The deposition of Aristide and the insistence on foreign intervention through the military highlights the resurgence of imperialism in a global aspect. This can also be termed as arrogant colonialism, as powers such as the US and Paris allocate themselves with the task to resuscitate Haiti which has been considered as a “failed state” (WSWS, 2004). The re-emergence of American imperialism and its military interventions in Haiti has a higher likelihood of enhancing oppression in the nation and its occupants.
Moreover, the act of Aristide’s exile impacted and weakened his political movement while impacting opposition and his fight against imperialism. The exile also led to weakened confidence among Haitians in their fight against the opposition. His anti-imperialism campaigns were questioned when he went to exile to the US, regardless of its contribution to the coup.
Additionally, during Moise’s reign, the nation voted against Venezuela in the Organization of American States (OAS) to favor the US, who in turn promised Haiti continued support (Douge-Prosper & Schuller, 2021). A similar case happened in 1962 when Haiti supported the US against Cuba. Besides, the popular dictator president of Haiti François Duvalier who ruled the nation till his death was reinforced by Washington (Douge-Prosper & Schuller, 2021). That actively demonstrates that the present Haitian situation is associated with the US.