INTL 190 - Haiti in a Transnational Context


It is difficult to build economy in a short period of time, especially if that country has suffered from various issues such as debt, corruption, and unemployment for centuries. Haiti has been trying to deepen its relations with The Bahamas as trading partner because the two countries are neighbors and can benefit from cooperating with each other. Since they are both in the same geography, the environmental catastrophes effect both countries and the unfortunate natural disasters which happen in Haiti also happen in the Bahamas. However, Bahamas is more prepared for these natural disasters, so through the involvement of CARICOM and the investment of The Bahamas, Haiti can eventually build infrastructures and houses that are immune as well. Haiti has been receiving financial aid from numerous countries, however these aids are only a temporary solution to the fundamental issues that Haitians face on the daily basis. There is hope that the cooperation of The Bahamas would allow Haiti’s economy and agriculture to prosper, since deforestation and earthquakes harms the growth of agricultural products.

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