INTL 190 - Haiti in a Transnational Context

Preface to Chinese Slavery System

Before comparing slavery in China and Haiti, it is necessary to clarify what slavery is. According to : “Slavery is a practice or institution that treats or recognizes some human beings as the legal property of others”. Slavery is generally considered to be a relation of production, and whether it is slavery or not depends on its economic basis. Slavery is common under the civilization of any country around 770 B.C. to 476 B.C. in China and around the 15th century to 1890 in Western world. People were turned into slaves, voluntarily or involuntarily, sold into slavery, etc. for various reasons. Slave society is based on the possession and exploitation of the person. This distinguishes it from other class societies. Feudal society was based on the dependence and exploitation of land, and capitalist society was based on the exploitation of surplus value and the control of money over the person.

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