INTL 190 - Haiti in a Transnational Context

China's history

From the 1840s to the 1940s is known as China's century of national humiliation. During 1840s to the 1940s, China suffered internal divisions, lost much of territory, and was invaded by colonialism.

1. The First Opium War (click for more information)
Belligerents: China(Qing dynasty) / British Empire
The first Opium War began in 1839. And China was defeated in the First Opium War in 1842 and signed an unequal treaty with Britain. One of the contents in this treaty is that China was forced to open five ports (Guangzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo, and Shanghai) for trading.

2. The Second Opium War (click for more information)
Belligerents: China(Qing dynasty) / British Empire, French Empire, and United States
In 1860, China lost the second Opium War, Britain and France got 8 million taels of silver from China, and China opened 11 ports for trading. At same time, British and French occupied Beijing, and plundered and burned down the Summer Palace.

3. First Sino-Japanese War (click for more information)
Belligerents: China / Japan
In 1895, China lost the First Sino-Japanese War. According to the monthly magazine of the National Palace Museum, which is located in Taiwan currently, in the treaty of Shimonoseki between China and Japan, Japan gained 200 million taels of silver and occupied China's Liaodong island, Penghu island, and Taiwan.

4. Eight-Nation Alliance (click for more information)
Belligerents: China / British Empire, Japan, Russia, Germany, United States, France, Italy ,and Austria-Hungary
In 1900. the Eight-Nation Alliance massacred and plundered the Chinese people. China's Qing government was forced to sign The Boxer Protocol. In the minds of the Chinese people, the Boxer Protocol is regarded as the most serious unequal treaty in China's modern history. China signed various treaties with eight countries which allowed many countries to pillage China.

5. Second Sino-Japanese War (click for more information)
Belligerents: China (Nationalist Party and Communist Party), Soviet Union, United States ,and British Empire / Japan
In 1931, the second sino-japaneses war broke out . In 1937, the all-out war of against the Japanese broke out. This was the first nationwide mobilization struggle in modern Chinese history.

This century is regarded by the Chinese people as a century of national humiliation. Chinese people will never forget these historys. Then, I will explain Haiti's history.  Haiti has a similar history to China. And Haiti is still struggling with the pain rightnow.

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