How to write awesome hook sentences

How to Write Awesome Hook Sentences

Regardless of the writing project at hand, you require an awesome hook sentence that holds readers in their thralls and grabs their attention. When I talk about awesome hook sentences, I am referring to a captivating string of words that comprise the first couple of sentences of the piece of essay writing.

If your hook sentence is awesome, the reader will drop everything he or she is doing and get completely immersed in the writing.
Mentioned below are 4 simple steps to help you develop the skill of crafting awesome hook sentences every single time, especially with argumentative essay topicsRegardless of the writing project at hand, you require an awesome hook sentence that holds readers in their thralls and grabs their attention. When I talk about awesome hook sentences, I am referring to a captivating string of words that comprise the first couple of sentences of the piece of writing.

Argumentative Essay Examples
Step 1: Know Your Target Audience
The hook sentence that you write needs to appeal to your target audience. For instance, grabbing the attention of a fitness enthusiast will be remarkably different from grabbing the attention of a computer engineer. Before writing hook sentences, you need to ask yourself 3 primary questions, which are listed below.
  1. Who is my target audience?
Knowing your target audience will help you connect with them and write in a way that directly touches their hearts.
  1. Do I possess a captive audience?
This is an important question because it will assist you in better comprehending the hook’s purpose. If you happen to be an admissions counselor or professor, you will probably have a captive audience. Therefore, the purpose of the hook would be to help them obtain good grades. On the other hand, if you are a blogger or freelance writer, the hook sentence will probably serve as the lifeline of your project.
  1. What factors interest my audience?
Lastly, you must figure out what is most important to your target audience. Are they seeking specific information? Are they trying to solve a problem? Do they want to be entertained? Accordingly, you can write an awesome hook sentence.

Step 2: Know the Purpose of your Written Work
The next vital issue is to determine the purpose of your writing. An awesome hook sentence needs to be consistent with your overall writing. You cannot write an awesome hook sentence and then drift away from the topic. This will leave your readers utterly confused. If you are trying to learn how to write an argumentative essay, your hook sentence must reflect your argument’s strength, may be by suggesting a shocking fact.

Hooking Argumentative Essay
Step 3: Create a Hook Sentence with a Lot of Care
There are umpteen ways to create compelling hook sentences. Some of these ways include telling an amusing anecdote, revealing an extraordinary truth, or including an inspirational quote.

Step 4: Embellish your Hook Sentence
Now that you know your audience, the purpose of your writing, and zeroed in on your hook sentence, it is the right time to embellish it. An awesome hook sentence will use the right amount of words in the most refined and polished manner as possible.
In a majority of cases, the hook sentence is the first sentence of the writeup. However, excellent authors can keep their audience in anticipation and include the hook as the last sentence of the writeup. The choice is yours.
All the best!