Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi: A Study Guide



1760: Effia is born in Fanteland during a fire
1775: Effia marries James Collins; the first interracial marriage in Fanteland
1777: Esi is taken from Asante and is put into the dungeons beneath Cape Coast Castle 
1787: Ness is sold into slavery
1799: Quey, son of James and Effia, is born
1804: Ma Akua and Kojo escape slavery, leaving Ness and Sam behind
1819: Quey takes over his father's work 
1824: James, Quey's son, runs away from his duties to marry Akosua
1850: Kojo, son of Ness and Sam, resides in Baltimore. The Fugitive Slave Act is passed. Anna, Kojo's wife, is taken away while pregnant. 
1878: Abena, James's daughter, moves to Kumasi. 
1879: Akua, daughter of Abena, is born
1882: Kojo's son, H, is unfairly imprisoned at the age of 20 and H becomes part of the convict-lease system
1892: H marries Ethe and joins a labor union
1894: Akua marries Asamoah
1900: Akua burns her hut, killing her daughters while severely hurting her son
1903: H's daughter, Willie, moves to Harlem in New York with her light-skinned husband
1995: Akua's surviving child, Yaw, reconciles with his mother at age 55
1964: Sonny, Willie's son, gives up the civil rights fight and develops a heroin addiction
1990: Marjorie, Yaw's daughter, struggles with her identity after moving to Alabama
1996: Marcus, son of Sonny, meets Marjorie and they travel back to Ghana together 


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