A History of Photography in USC Libraries Collections

Twelve women at Radio Korea’s Salute to the First Wave Community, late 20th century

The image “12 women at Radio Korea’s Salute to the First Wave Community” displays a large group of Korean people varying in age. In this image, we see women of different ages, each of whom have their own sense of style and personality. Between the generations, there is the common factor that they are all Korean women, but we also see the connection of all these women being happy to be together despite their generational and stylistic differences. They are coming together as a community to celebrate their unity. This is something that happens every day, all over the world. It is not always documented, but there are always people coming together as a unit to celebrate their similarities and overcome their differences. This photograph also demonstrates how people may use photography as a way to document the long lineage of women of their culture while they are still alive, thereby preserving their legacy. Photography allows their influence to continue long after they have passed, making them essentially immortal. Again, even though they seem to vary greatly in age and personality, these women all smile together in front of the camera.

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