Heroism and Rebellion

Author Bios

Harrison Bloom
Is a guy who's probably pushed out of bed by the combined power of ADHD and pure concentrated optimism. In his natural habitat he's often caught in the middle of a philosophical rambling about pop cultural or some boring history topic. He's happy to talk about Phoenix Wright in this project, but now has to resist the urge to play every other Ace Attorney game before it's done.

Britta Harbury
Britta Harbury, AKA Water Filter Meat Sandwich, is a burgeoning alcoholic and proud rabbit mother. In her free time, she stares at her bunny, knits hats and cooks for her many adopted humans, and ponders how we will all die someday. She's very happy to provide a shock blanket and cupcakes to people overwhelmed by the hopelessness in the universe while wrapped in a Deadpool onesie.

Iris Wilcox
Is middle school Homestuck trash at heart and ridiculously pleased to have a genuine academic excuse to use the phrase "Let me tell you about Homestuck." She only regrets leaving her two hand-sewn God Tier cosplays in Rochester, New York.

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