Hamlin Garland Papers: Collection Highlights from USC Libraries Special Collections

Research for Garland’s Biography of Ulysses S. Grant

The Hamlin Garland papers contain a significant amount of original research material on Ulysses S. Grant, which Garland conducted for his biography of Grant (published in 1898). This material includes Garland’s notebooks and transcripts documenting his interviews with Civil War veterans; correspondence with Grant’s widow and sons; and Garland’s notes and timelines for the biography, titled Ulysses S. Grant: His Life and Character.

Items pictured above:

(Image 1) Letter from Ulysses Simpson "Buck" Grant Jr. to his mother, Julia Grant, concerning Garland’s research, 1896.
View this letter in the USC Digital Library.

(Image 2) Letter from Julia Dent Grant, former First Lady of the United States and then-widow of Ulysses S. Grant, to Hamlin Garland, 1896.
View this letter in the USC Digital Library.

(Image 3) Copies of letters from Frederick Dent Grant, eldest son of Ulysses S. Grant and Julia Grant, to Hamlin Garland, 1896.
(These letters are addressed to "S. S. McClure" because Garland was a frequent contributor to McClure's Magazine and was sometimes reached via the magazine's offices.)
View these letters in the USC Digital Library.

More from the exhibit: 

Garland, Hamlin. Ulysses S. Grant: His Life and Character. Doubleday & McClure Co., 1898.
View this book in the USC Libraries' catalog.

Print of an etching by James Fagan depicting Ulysses S. Grant, undated.
View this item in the Hamlin Garland papers finding aid.

Handwritten timeline of Grant’s early life by Hamlin Garland, circa 1898.
View this item in the Hamlin Garland papers finding aid

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